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Tulsa: Most Boring Place in America? Why, Yes, Yes it is!

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Sure it is hot outside – but it is dry, and that counts for something, no? 100+ degrees for as far as can be predicted and 100+ as far as can be remembered. It is so hot that houses on the North side are spontaneously bursting into flames! Really! So hot that the lakes are literally turning into heated petri dishes and ‘blooms’ of Blue-Green Algae are taking over each and every lake in ‘Green’ Country.

But the heat and the fires and the out of control crime and crappy City services and corrupt local government are bad enough, but not as bad as the boredom. Tulsa is without a doubt the most boring place ever, full of staid boring people who get excited watching paint dry. So boring that a hot news story would be the concert in November of some B-list hair band from the 80’s is likely to be the front page of the newspaper and lead newscasts – THAT boring.

It is so boring that the media has selected a sweet blogger as the designated ‘event’ person for Tulsa, who lamely spouts off random ‘events’ going on around this crap hole of insignificance. Look, I tried and tried to stir up the pot (look at the brave spin I put on for Tulsans on the theTulsan P.4) but Tulsa is just boring as hell – and worse is that one is trapped by turnpikes so that escaping either costs you money or time – and most of the time both. Trapped in Tulsa! Oh what to do??

And Tulsa is so going to get worse, if possible! The Talons – a wretched ‘arena’ football team – is likely leaving, the Shock with its almost winless season cannot last long, the disgusting Petroleum Club is finally closing; if it were not for Socialism underwriting the Tulsa Drillers and the wretched City of Tulsa Civic Arena there would be nothing going on – and yet the stupid Tulsans insist on walking around saying they are not socialists sheep! Taxes skyrocketed in downtown – but naming rights goes to the principal donor; if this is public-private partnership, Maoism is a pot-luck supper.

There! That should scratch that bitch itch that crawled up the shorts this morning! Our continued advice to you Outsiders: stay far, far away! Do not visit Tulsa, book meetings here, invest in or move to the City (and the entire ‘Metro Region’) if it can be helped at all. Last week I warned folk to not waste time for the City’s lame 4th of July fireworks disappointment and sure enough for good reason: the finale did NOT go off! And the stupid Tulsans did not even know it! The Aug 5 fireworks show at the ballpark? Scrapped because of a burn ban! Like the concrete slab that is downtown Tulsa is more dry than concrete slabs normally are during a hot, dry Oklahoma summer!

Believe me, Tulsa is a boring backwater chock full of sticks in the mud. Folk are polite but not necessarily happy, busybodies but not active. Wherever you are right now is way way better than ‘T-town’! Either the State is better to live in or there are greater amenities in the metropolitan area. Sure there are exceptions – like East Saint Louis or Liberty Heights – but not many!

Written by thetulsan

July 12, 2011 at 7:32 am

5 Responses

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  1. This has to be the most unsuported blog i have ever read… How did you find time between lunch and recesss to wright this.


    August 4, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    • Worst and most inaccurate blog ever. How about the turnpikes keep people like you out of the T town. Where you’re comments are actually just offensive and simply UNTRUE. Tulsa is a great place to live.

      Chelsea Kerry

      January 5, 2018 at 3:22 pm

      • Couple items. First how far down the rat hole do you have to travel to even find this obscure pointless blog?
        Second can you not tell by the title ‘Embittered’ that this is going to be a BIT unhinged?
        Third ESCAPE WHILE YOU CAN dear girl. Your impassioned defense is admirable but GET OUT.


        January 5, 2018 at 10:09 pm

  2. Hey, but the geocaching is pretty good!


    September 16, 2012 at 10:37 am

  3. You forgot to stress how it’s a bit of a black-hole and it slowly sucks you down. I have lived in Tulsa, Unfortunately most of my life “I was an army brat until I was 6 or 7 years old. Then my parents moved here “To be with their family” . First off I don’t fit in here. I’m not a real churchy person and I can’t fake it like others that I have witnessed and I don’t care for football. I am very spiritual and enjoy following tech & Engineering trends. I also enjoy working no matter what my occupation is I do my job and smile while respecting the people around me . “Another Trait I find lacking in the population “. During my time here I have floated around different colleges and Different High Schools and I held a lot of what I could classify as “lower working class jobs ” as I went to college. I was a security guard for a while a Hotel Concierge, a machinist, I even had a brief time working at a U-Haul “that sucked” . I can honestly say Tulsa does not change because like most small towns the people are settled or perhaps sedentary to an unhealthy amount. I always said, I would move out but never could do it . Now that I’m a bit older I think It’s about time to fulfill that dream. sure Tulsa is polluted and corrupt but any city has those elements. My problem with the area is, it seems that it’s generally OK to compromise ethics and morals and not pursue an education or try to solve problems. Tulsa is a great place to live if you just simply shell yourself up here. I don’t bother making friends here I don’t bother going out anymore I read and work on my personal projects to keep me busy and I do a lot of meditating to pass time. It’s how I choose to survive for now . Maybe someday that will change or maybe not
    but does it really matter ? Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything .

    Elijah (@ezro1984)

    November 28, 2016 at 8:47 am

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