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Deeeeep Background: Why the ‘Sandy Hook Hoax Exposed’ video resonates – and how that is a bad thing.

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The slaughter of innocents is a traumatizing event, and in the search for answers it is normal to enter the grieving process of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Conspiracy theories are forms of denial and bargaining, a way of holding at bay that which has happened in a halo of unreality. The days following a horrific event are critical in establishing the official narrative about the event, placing blame, forming a plan of action, absorbing the loss, and finally moving into a new reality.

Only days removed from the nightmare at Sandy Hook, the narrative has been dominated by misinformation and disinformation. In particular, the YouTube video Sandy Hook Hoax Exposed has gone viral, with approximately 10M views. Espousing outlandish theories while blending in real points of inquiry, the video has created a false choice between accepting the official narrative and being accused of being a wild-eyed conspiracy nut.

The video is a sprawling collection of out-of-context snippets, out of date information from the earliest moments of the event, and outlandish claims about the victims. In terms of uncovering an actual conspiracy – if one exists – this video has been devastating. In a world where reality and fiction are oft blended together, the pseudoreality of media reporting is more distrusted than ever; in a time when government demands entry into our pants at a moment’s notice and continually lie and betray our trust; and when social media garners as much or more traffic as broadcast news, it is not hard to see how such a video can go viral and influence perception of not only the event, but the very nature of skeptical investigation.

Let us to sift through the claims of Sandy Hook Hoax Exposed, using historical analysis of similar events for reference, and to develop points of legitimate inquiry. This is not a journey for the timid or simple-minded, or those who may want the sources all nicely hyperlinked. Enter at your own risk.


The killer came from the small community of Newtown. The twenty-something old had a significant mental defect that led him to live a fairly isolated life, and little or no firearms training. Yet, at the end of one fateful day, would be accused of the systematic murder of dozens. In the immediate aftermath, pre-written legislation was enacted, resulting in the removal of close to one million firearms from a traumatized nation. Five years following the ban, violent crime rose 42%, and murder by firearms was at its highest level. Robberies rose 6%, while rapes rose 30%. Police were granted sweeping powers for no-warrant searches for firearms in the heat of the moment. One such raid leading to the death of a beloved national icon.

This is not a fictional description of America five years after the heinous murders in Sandy Hook, but the events in Australia following the infamous 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania, Australia. 28 year old Martin Bryant is accused of murdering 35 people on April 28, 1996 and injuring 12 others. Apprehended alive, there ultimately was no trial as he plead guilty after being told that failure to do so would lead to the suicides of his mother and sister. A steady drum-beat for gun-surrender gave way to a 90% support for gun control, and in the Draconian sweeps that followed it was non other than Paul Ansell who stood his ground, the Original Crocodile Dundee, dying in a shootout with police as they came for his guns.

In the rush for conclusion of the matter, Bryant, who has an IQ of 66, was quickly identified as the culprit and the public accepted the government’s version of events without question. But questions quickly arose. Bryant, who had no firearms training, was able to perform a mass shooting with skill, accuracy, and an efficiency that few elite paramilitary could. In the crowded Broad Arrow Café – by the Aussie Government’s own report – Bryant murdered 12 people in 15 seconds, nine with single head shots from a distance of over twelve feet. Shooting from the right hip, Bryant was unfazed by the Colt AR-15’s modest recoil, though he was left-handed. With a killed-to-injured ration of 1.6:1, the retarded man with no weapons experience performed with an accuracy that places him in the upper echelon of combat shooters.

Four minutes before the shooting, the two police officers stationed at the historic tourist location had radioed dispatch that they were on the other side of the Tasmanian peninsula, on a wild hunt to investigate a stash of jarred flour that was made to appear to be a hoard of heroin. Emergency procedures indicated that bridges leading from the site here to have been closed off but, with the officers away and unable to render assistance or follow through on those procedures, numerous suspects and witnesses left the area unscreened as a hostage siege developed in a nearby bed and breakfast between Bryant and authorities.

By the end of the rampage, 35 lay dead and 23 injured. One of the most effective mass-murderers in history never went to trial, no witnesses were sworn in to give testimony, as Bryant plead guilty after the police told him his mother and sister were going to commit suicide if he did not. Both guns supposedly used in the rampage were never tested for matching the bullets used, as both inexplicably had their firing pins and rifling destroyed by defective bullets.

This event has not produced a wild-eyed viral video questioning the events, but dozens of carefully laid out lines of questions by former police, military officers, investigative journalists, and pajama journalists alike. And, yet, now that the official narrative has been planted in the public’s mind there will be no independent investigation. It appears that some Special Operations Group planned and executed the murders at Port Arthur to save the lives of hundreds of Australians who otherwise would have died by suicide, murder, or accident at the end of gun barrels.


The Port Arthur massacre is just one of paradigm-changing events fraught with glaring inconsistencies, misinformation, and notable omissions. JFK, MLK, RFK, Reagan’s assassination attempt, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Columbine, the Oklahoma City bombing, and of course September 11 could all be explored for trends and anomalies that speak to some kind of cover-up. Typing those keywords plus the word ‘conspiracy’ into an internet search engine will produce more results than can be explored in a month of Sundays.

The underpinning factor with all these events is the growth of the secret intelligence capacity of government to perpetuate paradigm changing events. In fact, President Eisenhower warned us of this in his farewell address, the former Supreme Allied Commander who conquered Europe warning a surging nation drunk with its dominance of the rise of a military-industrial complex whose rule would fundamentally change the American way of life. Not a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist blogging in his pajamas, but the most powerful man in the world at the height of his power warning us that America would soon be unrecognizable.

Perhaps Eisenhower was recoiling against the government utilizing former Nazi scientists and the results of their inhuman scientific research. Maybe his Jehovah’s Witness background made him innately skeptical of the established order and their proscriptions for society. Could be he disagreed with the machinations the secret government were planning for the Cold War and a post-Cold War world.

One such machination was Operation Gladio, ostensibly a plan to destabilize regimes behind the Iron Curtain by stay-behind armies that would commit sabotage and terror acts, and to defame leftist groups in the so-called free world by committing acts in their name. In fact, Operation Gladio operatives were implicated in 1969’s Milan massacre which killed 16, the 1980 Bologne bombings which killed 85, a supermarket shooting in 1985 in Belgian that killed 28; links to Gladio operations in France, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland were discovered and though the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning Gladio in 1990 and requested a formal investigation, none has been conducted.

But these are historic artifacts, it could be argued, the bones of victims of some past conflict that no longer exists. What then of Operation Fast and Furious? Undertaken by the Obama administration, the operation’s goal was to ‘run’ guns into Mexico so that in the ensuing chaos America’s immoral gun laws would be challenged. The chaos that ensued included the murder of at least one American law enforcement officer and the murder of unknown hundreds or thousands of Mexicans.

The President’s administration conducted a terrorist act against a friendly neighbor, against itself, with the purpose of subverting the Constitution and not only has nobody been punished, the President was rewarded with reelection. Barely two years after its implementation, it is if Operation Fast and Furious never happened, and soon those who claim it did will be branded lunatics and wild-eyed conspiracy theorists.


If the sands of time can easily swallow something that is, in real terms, a current event, another secret operation began over fifty years ago can quickly become the stuff of ancient mythology. One such artifact is the CIA’s MK Ultra program, which sought to create a class of mind-controlled assassins, unknowingly activated by code words to perform highly specific acts of murder and mayhem.

Fifty years ago the most powerful computers in the world took the entire office floors of tubes and gear which had the computing power of today’s throwaway microchips. The most advanced psychotropic drugs acted with the specificity of hammers compared with today’s medications. Information was transmitted over-the-air on scrambled frequencies, the equivalent of carrier pigeons compared with today’s digital universe. Televisions were passive recipients of these waves, now they are equipped with microphones and face-sensing technologies, offering real-time feedback on your location, activities, and sending that back for retrieval at some later time.

But when MK Ultra or its derivative Operation Monarch were created, the only tools were flashing lights, the newly discovered compound LSD, sleep deprivation, and long sessions of brain washing. At its height, hundreds of university professors were enrolled, and an unknown number of subjects were experimented on.

Five years after MK Ultra came to light, the United States Senate investigated the program through the Church Hearings. A House select Committee on the CIA’s activities produced a report that was censured by the full House and the Ford Administration and has never seen the light of day. Representative Otis Pike, who chaired the inquiry, said ‘Oh, they think it is better not to know,” Pike replied. “There are too many things that embarrass Americans in that report. You see, this country went through an awful trauma with Watergate. But even then, all they were asked to believe was that their president had been a bad person. In this new situation they are asked much more; they are asked to believe that their country has been evil. And nobody wants to believe that.”

One year following these investigations, a string of domestic bombings occurred which injured 23 and killed 3, coming to an end in 1995 when a bizarre hermit named Ted Kaczynski was caught and prosecuted for them. A child genius, Ted enrolled in Harvard at aged 16 and came under the persuasion of Dr. Henry Murray, one of the leading researchers into MK Ultra. Kaczynski’s own brother David, who ultimately turned Ted into authorities after recognizing his distinct writing, believes Kaczynski was exposed to this diabolical mind control.

But the Unabomber was not the only prominent candidate for involvement in mind-control technologies during the 90’s. Timothy McVeigh, the so-called mastermind of the Oklahoma City Bombing, complained during his interrogations that he had been implanted with some kind of mind-control microchip. The stuff of loons, of course, but for the fact that his first job following his discharge from the military was as a private security guard at Calspan, a DOD contractor whose specialty is microelectronic circuitry. And who was it that conducted psychological services for the government? None other than psychologist Dr. Jolyon West, who was another principal researcher for MK Ultra.

But fifty years ago the first attempts at mass mind control was not conducted in clandestine university basements on people drugged with LSD. The first subjects of mind control were on their first dates or taking their families to the movies, when movie companies inserted images of popcorn and sodas with suggestive words to unsuspecting audiences. Soon researchers found that television watching produces strong Alpha wave activity, which places the viewer into a suggestive, if not hypnotic state.

Now, screens invade every waking moment of modern life, delivering a customized pseudoreality that successfully competes for our attention in the real world, mimicking real life to the point the average youth spends over six hours a day absorbed in the pseudoreality of screenworld. How far has the science of subliminal messaging advanced since those long-ago days of drive-in movies? We may never know.


Which brings us to the horrific events at Sandy Hook, and the despicable video. Whether this video was done purposefully to discredit the conspiracy theorists or not, it is being touted as the kind of things ones should expect from conspiracy theorists. The observations follow the time line of the movie,

1. The opening slide is a foreshadowing of the video’s timbre, with hologram prominently misspelled. First impression purposefully blown.
A. No vanity attribution or website, no channel to follow. There is 100% probability a person who would produce something like ‘hoax’ has produced something else.

2. The video’s first embedded video is taken from the infowars initial reporting of the event. Infowars is Alex Jones’ juggernaut of conspiracy theories, and this is the first identifiable media source on the video. Not a household name, so clearly the producer is a fan of Jones’, right?

3. The instinct to believe in multiple shooters and look for evidence is right on; but a month after the shooting the unidentified men were accounted for, kinda.
A. Why was there an off duty cop from a nearby town skulking through the woods during a crisis situation, looking for his niece? Was he running or hiding from the responding police, as the helicopter footage suggests?
B. The reporter for Infowars is seen next, making him appear to be the official narrator for the hoax video. Again, he is commenting from the day of the event, when there was a considerable layer of fog about the events of the day.
C. The man in the police car was probably the off-duty officer, who should be charged with obstruction or interference or whatever nuisance charge they use in those parts.

4. Citing early reports and noting discrepancies of the guns used is of limited value. The demand for information will always outpace the abilities of authorities to deliver such accurately.
A. That the AR-15 was so quickly pegged as the murder weapon is suspicious, but that speaks to the bias of the anti-gun media’s fear of menacing looking weapons.
B. The weapon recovered from the trunk of the car was a shotgun.

5. Clearly the Medical Examiner was ill-prepped for this, which is always an issue with these doppleganger part-time actors, right?
A. . Without ballistics testing his initial assessment is meaningless, and he should have deferred answering.
B. His affect is confused, and he is weird. Heaven forbid you or I are every asked to view the carnage he saw and then appear before millions. This may be the sign of trying to conceal his emotions. His guffaw at one point is not an indication that he found the situation funny, but more of a scoffing grunt.

6. Children cowering, wounded, in a closed environment would only be difficult to murder for the most inept shooters.
A. Lanza’s mother did train him on the gun range, so he knew what to expect in terms of recoil, sound, and reloading.
B. Multiple shots per murder victim is indicative of disabling wounds and then shots to complete the murders. This recalls the method used in the horrific Dublane mass murder is children.
C. That so many adults died speaks first to the bravery of the staff, but it does remove the number of witnesses who could positively identify the murderer.

7. Ryan Lanza’s identity card probably was issued before their estrangement and brought along to incriminate Ryan.

8. Misidentifying Nancy Lanza to a reporter is not an act of delusion, it is confusion wrought from witnessing the murder of children and co-workers. The inability to find a registered nurse speaks more to the abilities of the search than the results. Implicating the shocked nurse is another attempt at defaming skeptical investigators. And what kind of scumbag reporter needles a shocked, grieving witness, anyway?

9. The largest question is what kind is jerks go after grieving parents? Robbie Parker may have feigned a wan smile the stiff upper lip kind, or he may have grimaced when approaching the cameras. Point is, if he is a professional actor he must be hard up for work. This ridiculous and wicked claim that the children were not murdered is a deliberate tactic to create some level of outrage. By appearing to blame Parker, Lanza’s sole responsibility is diminished.

10. The Facebook time stamps for the Parkers’ page are some kind of artifact produced by crappy Facebook. It is common these days for people to use social media for support. What kind of person uses social media for super? Millions and millions. What kind of ghoul accuses the parents of pretending their beloved child is dead is the real question.
C. The picture with grinning Skullbama is eerie enough, without the ‘hoax’ video’s outrageous claim that child clearly of dear Emilie’s sister in her dress. Siblings often look alike. Strange but true.

11. By now you should know that Gene Rosen is not the actor by the same name from Newtown.
A. Most likely he was confused and saw two people escorting the children.
B. Why were the children not escorted to the closet fire station? Well, they were probably busy at the moment and unable to tender that kind of assistance.
C. If a professional actor, he sure blew his lines. Callously using the term ‘fun fact’ belies the author’s intention of using the event as a game.
D. Either the list was released before the video claims or, once again, the shocked witness is mistakend. He may also be refereing to the number of dead, not necessarily their names.

11. Anderson CIA Copper’s interview with the Macdonald family had been edited so that context is removed. During this clip they were recalling what a sweet child their girl was.

12. There was a training event for how to deal with children in crisis in a nearby town. This is notable because often drills or simulations are planned for the same time as an actual event. The London bombings and September 11, for instance.
A. Typically the training exercise is more precise and less global. That is, we would want to see that an active shooter drill was planned for the region.
B. This takes us back to that off duty officer lurking around the scene. This needs to be addressed.
C. Numerous instances have occurred wherein police have entered schools pretending to be active shooters without letting the schools in on the secret. Seriously. Search that. Firing blanks and everything.
D. The theory is that one actor is prepared to act while the others or other goes ‘live’ and executes the patsy or leaves the patgsy holding the bag.

13. The foreshadowing in the Batman movie is eerie, but so temporal and scatological that the eerieness comes more from the association with the Aurora rampage.

14. Why is the only media able to contact the producers the notoriously liberal
A. Ten million views could generate tens of thousands of dollars and yet that blood money was left on the table.
B. No claim of authorship. So if the goal was notoriety why no means to track it back? No Twitter handle, no YouTube channel, no website.
C. Even if the producer did not want the ludicrous claims to go viral, why publish at all? And once it did go viral, why not then take responsibility?

Understanding that the video was exploiting artifacts in the information flow more than exploring all avenues of inquiry, it did not mention a couple of popular conspiracy memes.

1. What medications had Lanza been prescribed?
A. We know that his garbage diagnosis of Asberger’s is a throwaway catchall for mental illness NOS (not otherwise specified) so the likelihood of not being prescribed is fairly low.
B. This speaks to how ‘programmable’ the murderer may have been. This would seem to be an important part of the hoax thesis, that Lanza was some kind of unwitting patsy, and yet the video makes no mention of this aspect of the case.
C. While psychotropic medications do not cause mass shootings, virtually every mass shooter is on them.

2. The video does not try and link Aurora shootings.
A. This meme is standard for conspiracy theories and while others have made the connections (or tried to) this video does not.
B. While the LIBOR conspiracy was out there within days there is no mention of it here. What are the chances that two children of fathers in the top echelon of finance commit similar acts? This was an early meme after the massacre, and yet no mention here.


My impression is that this video was produced to defame and discredit skeptical inquiry. Glenn Beck’s Blaze website has – while I have been noodling this exposition – published its own analysis, drawing from liberal websites Snopes and Salon. In doing so the article slams Infowars, as do an inordinate number of comments, even more than articles published on Beck’s site about Jones in the wake of Jones’ appearance on that Limey’s CNN show. I do not believe that Beck had anything to do with the video for its production, but it is certainly true that he is using it as an opportunity to defame Alex Jones.

This damnable video is classic red herring, straw man, stuff. Designed to be knocked down, to offer rabbit trails leading nowhere, to present a false choice between the official narrative and independent investigation. Whether this was the original intent is impossible to prove, but the impact is obvious: ‘truthers’ are all heinous idiots, wild eyed morons who will stoop to any level to create a kerfuffle.


Did Lanza act alone? Was there foreknowledge of his hideous act? Could he have been a ‘targeted individual’ or an MK Ultra-esque subject? Was he just a deranged young man angry at the world for no particular reason?

We will never really know, but in a time when distrust in government and the media is an all time high, when most of our waking life is spent in a pseudo reality of screens, is it really surprising?

Written by thetulsan

January 20, 2013 at 5:17 pm

#SAMEOL’SAMEOL’ 2013: Dawn of a grand, new occultic Age

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Sure the New Year is no longer new, about five percent over as of this writing, but we pajama journalists – and I do a serious disservice to ‘real’ pajama journalists by adding my self to that august body – do not have the same deadlines as paid media shills.

Of course last year brought the dreaded 2012 Mayan doomsday nonpocalypse, but that was apparently just a precursor to the year 2013. Yes dear reader you have reason to fear this year as well, because for the occultist last year was the dawn of the New Age, this year we get to experience the light of this new, Luciferian day.

Whether or not there is anything to all this is really besides the point, for the same reason the esoteric beliefs of the chef should not affect the food he prepares for you (unless he spits in the chowder or prepares it with essence of newt). The problem is that the Luciferians conceal themselves in varieties of umbrella organizations which can advance their agenda without revealing their true identity. The membership of these ‘holding’ organizations are by and large unaware of the bigger plan; the server may have no reason to suspect that the chef is poisoning the food or that the profits go toward some criminal purpose.

This becomes important because these holding groups are able to act in concert with others controlled by the same organization but able to deny collusion. The old fashioned word for this is racketeering, or conspiracy. Proving these connections is difficult at least and virtually impossible most of the time. Further, one person’s conspiracy is another’s Interagency Task Force – the difference being the laws related to open meetings versus the dictums of The Good Old Boys Club. The public face of an organization is one thing, its hidden agenda and purposes being something entirely different. It is virtually impossible to discern the hidden purpose of a public action, and even when there is very good reason to be suspect conspiracy impossible still to develop an actionable hypothesis.

So, while Fast and Furious is most definitely a criminal conspiracy to aid and abet Mexican gangs – to the point of having US law enforcement murdered – nothing is done, and that is an easy example. In wretched Tulsa, the fact Vision 2 was proposed out of thin air, while the existing tax still had four years left, and done so without any of the initial stakeholders, may seem suspicious; that this was announced weeks before the Federal Reserve announced its decision to buy billions of worthless municipal bonds.

Obviously the local bankers saw the opportunity to make somewhere in the vicinity of one hundred million dollars and used the last successful tax increase as a premise for selling those bonds to the Fed. Is there criminal activity there? Tough to prove outright but simple to surmise that machinations were made between the private interests promoting the tax and the public officials responsible for proposing this tax. Did these efforts suborn the law? We will never know because the public face of the effort – the elected officials – are protected by their political affiliations while the secret or unseen proponents are protected by their anonymity. Are private entreaties to act, even without promise of payment, criminal? Are those private interests friends of the politicians? Donors? Members of the same fraternal organizations? Again, we will never know and even if we did proving a conspiracy is impossible without hard evidence.

So with the dawn of this new age of enlightenment the esoteric impulses of its adherents may be acted upon without these actors taking credit: the reward for whatever act taken on behalf of creating the new order is in the result, not in proclaiming responsibility. This is akin to performing a surgery on a patient which the surgeon deems beneficial for the patient but to which the patient does not consent; remember the thousands of sterilizations performed on American Indians for decades. Those with the power to do so will certainly act in the shadows to achieve an end, either for personal gain or, if exposed, claim the common good.

Thus the world finds itself ruled by an elite group of Luciferrians determined to bring the enlightenment of this New Age to the globe via their New World Order. This is really bad news because the occultist believes in blood sacrifice, the indisputable right of the powerful to rule unchallenged, and in their duty to remain concealed.

So will 2013 be a normal year (whatever that is) or will there be some cataclysm on a grand order which requires some massive societal change? Will there be an epidemic or massive public health crisis? Will there be a domestic act of terrorism so terrible that Marshall law is ordered? Will the economy tank so horribly that social unrest heretofore unseen causes chaos? Will the asteroid approaching this December create widespread panic? Will the long-threatened war with Iran create World War Three?

Whatever happens know that God Almighty is in control, not you or the government. All you can do is be ready for the unexpected, and do not be afraid of being labeled if something paradigm shifting occurs and you question the official story.

Written by thetulsan

January 13, 2013 at 10:05 am