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Posts Tagged ‘relocation

So sorry! #Occupied glom-on effort fails! MOC to relocate!

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Gosh! That is all I can say! American Airlines has done exactly what they have been warning their Maintennance Operations Center employees for years they would do: relocate their operations to Dallas! Good for you! Good thing you are in Tulsa! You will have NO TROUBLE selling your homes: I heard that straight from the Greater Tulsa Realtors Association!

Do not be mad at me now, you MOC employees! I fly American as often as I can. Where are your community leaders or elected officials or media hand-wringers flying to? They flying American? No? If these people or your fellow ‘Tulsans’ gave a rat’s ass about you or your travails there would be some kind of effort to spend a little bit more at times and fly American. But they do not, they want all the benefits without the effort to do a damn thing about it. Oklahoma is a screwed up mess and you are paying the price, the next wave in the inevitable suck of the Texas economy.

And just now you – MOC employees – want your neighbors to react? Kind of late, now, is it not? Just now you want to raise a faux street protest to keep you from going to a far, far better place? Too late! Now that AA has announced the move, and the slow bleed of jobs continues to drain to Texas, will anything be done? No!

Enjoy the Big D! The rest of you AA employees take note: Good thing you are in Tulsa!

Written by thetulsan

October 12, 2011 at 5:53 pm

Better anywhere than here: another company headin’ south to Texas from Tulsa!

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Those nifty camera angles that ya’ll are seeing on the football games? Where the camera flies downfield and zips along behind a runner or what not during the game? Sliding behind hockey players like a bird over the ice? Did you know that company was based in Tulsa? Neither did anyone else!

Well that company is hitting the road and leaving this crappy, out-of-the-way, podunk anti-business craphole and heading south! Congratulations, SKYCAM employees! The Winnercom sub had relocated to Oklahopeless in 2005, but after Winnercom’s acquisition by the Outdoor Channel, it was only a matter of time until the downsizing snatched this little gem from the awfulness of Tulsa.

American Airlines take note: if AMR wants to do its employees a ‘major,’ it should relocate its MOC to the DFW metroplex, too! No one wants to live in Tulsa, they are just stuck here and willing to put up with its awfulness out of politeness.

Goodbye, Skycam! We barely knew thee!

Written by thetulsan

September 15, 2011 at 10:59 am

American Airlines Employees Would Love to Move to Dallas

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So the $22,000,000 Vision 2025 gave American Airlines of County Tulsans’ money was not enough to permanently secure all AA jobs in Troll-town for all time – surprise! Now its Maintenance Operations Center with about 600 jobs is likely going to be relocated to Dallas. The Union is all upset, and are begging Tulsans to tell American to not do this. Well, here is my effort:

Dear American Airlines:

I encourage your company to move its Maintenance Operation Center out of Tulsa to Dallas. This is an easy call and I hope you do the right thing for your employees and make that move.

You know how you hear all the time how unions do not represent the sentiment of the majority of their members? This is one of those times. The majority of the TWU unit currently imprisoned in Tulsa would love and I mean L-O-V-E to move to Dallas. This represents a financial liability to the union members only because of their crummy investments in their homes and not any sort of emotional attachment to Godforsaken Tulsa County. All the Union is doing is grandstanding to win some concession or another from you evil corporate types, not to hold on tooth and nail to live in (formerly) Green Country.

Ask around and you will quickly find that few if any Tulsa Graduates relocate, move back, settle, dig in, or otherwise try and stay in Tulsa. They fly away like birds released from their cages, and just as fast and high. Ask the Union what percentage of their children stayed in Tulsa, you will see a lot of no hands. Ask how many moved to Dallas or Texas and you will see a lot of hands. So whatever reasons they may purport to offer in terms of las familias are bogus.

Next, I am sure American has a lot more infrastructure in Dallas, which means greater profits than having this Op Center half the country away in Tulsa. Staying in Tulsa will no doubt cost your company a lot more than moving to Dallas. Plus, Texas is rolling in cash and can easily double any incentives Oklahoma or Tulsa could ever dream of offering, just have another bidding war and you know who will win.

I hope this helps your deliberations, and will lead to more American employees leaving this crummy backwater.

Written by thetulsan

August 3, 2011 at 3:12 pm